Monday, April 04, 2005

Where There is Smoke, There is Fire.

Posted by HelloCommemorate 25 years ago when Mount St. Helens last erupted.

I just heard on the radio, there is some rumbling going on at Mount St. Helens. Keep your eyes on the VolcanoCam, I've so kindly linked it JUST FOR YOU!

Well, for me too.

Please remember, sometimes there is rain and snow
and the image can be grey, scattery or crystal clear.

Be patient, and visit often and you might be able to catch a real
live volcano in action!
It updates every 5minutes.

Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam

Click here!

or Click over here!

Mount St. Helens is over on the West Coast, so there could be a time difference... say your in Central Time Zone and you check the VolcanoCam around 8am, well it'll be 5am there and the sun hasn't risen yet.


Anonymous said...

here's another site that takes all the photos from the webcam and plays them one after the other.

it's cloudy today, so there's not much to see. but on a clear day, it's neat to watch how lively that plume of steam is.

Anonymous said...

here's the URL for the link mentioned above:

Anonymous said...

I saw your name on YH's comments and my jaw dropped. My dad's pet name for me was Miss Twiss and I called my first dog Miss Twiss and I have also used the name in chat rooms. This is the first time I have come across it - glad to know it is now a famous name! How did you choose it?

Twiss And Weber said...

Miss Johnson,
I wouldn't call it famous, just yet. My family name is Twiss. I'm the youngest of 4 in the family. Their all married, I'm not, just yet. I'm the Miss of the Twisses (at 33 yrs+).
I'm starting my own collection of clothes and I couldn't help but use the name for my business. It's my name but it could be anyone, really I like that anonymous aspect it.

YH is a fabulous woman! I long to read her blog.

thanks for writing, it was fun to meet another Miss Twiss,

the other Miss Twiss