Thursday, October 06, 2005

Eights vs. Nines

Laziness is preventing me from taking a picture of the latest sleeve knit on the Nines. Although I prefer the tension of the fabric knitted on the Eights, I will knit the entire sweater on the Nines. Not having enough yarn is one of the reasons.

This afternoon I asked some non-knitters their opinion on how the gauge looks compared to Mme. Teva Durham's sweater in the mag. They voted for the Nines.

Then after a long thought and bike ride home, I realize the designer, like all designers, draft their patterns deliberately. I'm sure she considered what the yarn company says regarding the gauge. It is with purpose the needles are larger. The fabric on the sweater is chunky and textured.

Too bad, mine will be in black. The colour so absorbs all light and detail. But not if your wearing it!

I thank you all who help me with this decision.

I thank all me' ladies for your comments.

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